Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Throwback Tuesday (Sometimes Thursday)

This is the first entry in a series of entries I'm writing called 'Throwback Tuesday" - in which I will review an older album by a local/regional musician. Some might be reviews of older work of artists who are still producing, and other entries might review albums by artists or bands that are no longer releasing material.

Got it? Good. 

Later Days is the 2007 release by Asthmaboy, a Seattle (but at that time Bellingham) based duo, Glindon Marten & John Boone. Although it was self-recorded, the album has the same quality as an album that has been professionally recorded in a studio. 

This Album Reminds of...The combination of acoustic guitar, piano and melancholic, almost dirge-like vocals reminds me of early Deathcab for Cutie.

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